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Control of VFDs at UMass Dartmouth results in over $150,000 in annual energy savings

The Problem

UMass Dartmouth completed a large and expensive campus-wide ESCO performance contract but lacked the ability to quantify the cost of savings that were not achieved or being maintained. The University also had no quick and efficient way to evaluate millions of building automation system (BAS) data points and thousands of alarms.

Solutions & Opportunities

AEI obtained 5-minute utility interval data from Eversource and applied the AEI software analytics to benchmark the UMass Dartmouth energy use and help the University better understand its demand charges and identify peak demand mitigation opportunities.

We reviewed the available JCI Metasys BAS data and used our analytics and visualizations to quantify efficiency opportunities, including a better O&M approach to seven VFDs that were operating at 100%. Through proper control of the VFDs, the result was the discovery of over $150,000 in annual energy savings.

AEI also determined that some of the recently installed steam meters were not operational, resulting in a long opportunity to identify no-cost/low-cost situations that could conservatively amount to an additional $190,000 in annual savings.

Building on this rapid and inexpensive survey with immediate victories for the facilities staff, UMass Dartmouth now has a baseline to support an ongoing continuous commissioning process where new savings opportunities are discovered while existing savings are maintained.

New AEI Energy Maps Just Released

We've just released public versions of our AEI Energy Maps for Los Angeles, San Francisco, New Orleans and others built in partnership with the U.S. DOE Better Communities Alliance.

Visit the AEI Energy Maps page

AEI Featured on Energy Matters 2U Podcast

AEI was recently featured along with Leidos on an Energy Matters 2U Podcast. During the 20 minute conversation, Carl Popolo of AEI and Ron Gillooly, Leidos' Industrial Energy Program Director, discussed how a building's energy data profile combines with a physical audit to target efficiency measures that have specific and verifiable results.

Listen to the Podcast

AEI To Provide Energy Maps to U.S. DOE Better Communities Alliance

AEI is pleased to have been selected as an Affiliate to the U.S. Department of Energy Better Communities® Alliance. AEI is committed to provide its Energy Map solutions to selected partners from a list of 40 noteworthy cities such as Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York and San Francisco.

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AEI Selected as MHEC Supplier

June 29, 2017 -- Carlisle, MA -- AEI has been selected as a Massachusetts Higher Education Consortium (MHEC) supplier to provide Facility Maintenance and Energy Assessment Software to MHEC members through June 2020. The letter from MHEC reads: "Your bid response was evaluated and determined to be the most responsible and responsive bid that offered best value to MHEC members".

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Whole-Portfolio Real-Time Main Metering

AEI brings to market a whole-portfolio real-time main meter view of cities, towns and campuses by combining our AEI Soft Start Real-Time technology with our proven Energy Map visualization platform.

For the energy manager who needs to see energy use across the entire building stock in real-time, this affordable solution shadows the utility main meter, requires no BAS integration, feeds upstream applications such as kiosks, and gives the manager real-time insight into demand response opportunities on their own terms. With 1-minute resolution, rolling profiles and SMS and E-Mail alerts, this integrated solution can also help control billing-period peak usage. It's completely incorporated into our Energy Map platform for exploring historical usage, and that means one-stop-shopping for your energy team to study utility trends, track sustainability goals, and to know your real-time position for social awareness and real-time response.

Explore the Demo

The Bigger Apple: City of New York Energy Map

Building on our work last year to deliver an Energy Map of the City of Boston, we figured we should demonstrate a little scalability and bite on something bigger. The result is our City of New York Energy Map that combines data from the PLUTO and LL84 disclosure reporting datasets and shows electricity, natural gas, oil, steam and water consumption for over 13,000 properties with a combined GSF of over 1.8 billion ft2. The data includes GHG emissions, and for most properties we're able to show trends since 2011.

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AEI Commissioning

Are your buildings running efficiently? Let's look at the data and prove it to the managers who pay the utility bills. Efficiency problems? Download the AEI Commissioning Services brochure to see how we can help.